FluentConf 2014 - Day Three

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A few more things I got out of day two at FluentConf. All of the keynote videos are up on in O’Reilly’s channel on YouTube.

Highlights from the keynotes

Keynote with Paul Irish (Google)

Beyond Pushing “Play”: Interactive, Data-driven Videos for a Web-based World by Susan E. McGregor (Columbia University)

The Goodness of JavaScript by Aaron Frost (Domo), Dave Geddes (Domo)

Keynote with Yehuda Katz (Tilde Inc) and Tom Dale (Tilde Inc): In Defense of Frameworks

I played with EmberJS before I played with AngularJS. A couple years and a name change later, it’s time to give EmberJS another look. I must admit, the reasons I was initially turned off by AngularJS, I grew to like. It’s declarative approach felt like the bad old days of onclick=“someFunction()“.

They had me at how you now build components. No wiring with JavaScript, just HTML and a template

Highlights from the sessions

Reusable Libraries for Hypermedia Clients by Mike Amundsen (Layer 7 Technologies)

Office Hour with Mike Amundsen (Layer 7 Technologies)
Good discussion among a small group interested in Hypermedia APIs. A few highlights for me:

Meteor: A Full-stack JavaScript Framework for Modern App Development by Matt DeBergalis (Meteor)

Modern application:

AngularJS - Top 10 Tips by John Lindquist (JetBrains) A few highlights (these are not the 10 tips):

Unpacking Technical Decisions by Sarah Mei (Ministry of Velocity)

Humorous take on one of the tools of consulting - a system named after oneself:

"The Mei System"
People Project
Internal Familiarity (read the code)
Identify with the style of code (procedural vs OO)
Interface (Readme, use gem)
External Popularity (StackOverflow, HackerNews) Activity (github commits, issues, pull requests)

Are we asking the right questions?

Writing Real Time Web Apps by Wesley Hales (Shape Security)

What’s Next?

I learned about a lot of things I want to explore. Some things that will help with the current gig and over the long run.

Next up, perhaps Midwest JS - it’s a lot closer to home. I’m curious about the advanced and server-side tracks.