FluentConf 2014 - Day Two

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Some things I got out of day two at FluentConf. All of the keynote videos are up on in O’Reilly’s channel on YouTube.

Highlights from the keynote speeches

Highlights from the sessions

Leveling up in Angular by Alicia Liu (Lift.do) - A bit of classic Mario emulated with AngularJS - great info I want to re-review

Managing JavaScript Complexity in Teams by Jarrod Overson (Riot Games) - very informative talk; my take-aways:

Where’s my Straw? by Kyle Simpson (Getify Solutions) - sweetjs to write macros in JavaScript

Static Types are Overrated: The Dynamic Duo - Loose Types and Object Extension by Eric Elliott (Adobe) - A few JavaScript code analysis tools to investigate:

Open Community Lounge

Informal get together discussing AngularJS - Angular Flock. Many were interested in AMD/requirejs compatibility. Sounds like it’s coming in Angular 2.0. They used what they learned doing angular.dart to write it in ECMAscript 6 and transpile it ECMAScript 5 with Traceur (I think that’s what I heard). They’re making use of classes and its module system.