FluentConf 2014 - Day Two
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Some things I got out of day two at FluentConf. All of the keynote videos are up on in O’Reilly’s channel on YouTube.
Highlights from the keynote speeches
- JavaScript: Taking both the High and the Low Roads by Brendan Eich (Mozilla) - Demo of Unreal 4 engine in the browser, no plugins, ES6 and ES7 updates
- Virtual Machines, JavaScript and Assembler by Scott Hanselman (Microsoft)
- The Humble Border-Radius by Lea Verou - There’s a lot one can do with border-radius.
Highlights from the sessions
Leveling up in Angular by Alicia Liu (Lift.do) - A bit of classic Mario emulated with AngularJS - great info I want to re-review
Managing JavaScript Complexity in Teams by Jarrod Overson (Riot Games) - very informative talk; my take-aways:
- “Web Platform Engineers” rather than “Front end developer”
- Document front end standards & style guides and manage them like code - keep it in source control
- JSCS - code style checker - use with jshint (check numeric options)
- PlatoJS.org (lint errors)
- “If it’s not automated, it’s not going to get done more than once.”
Where’s my Straw? by Kyle Simpson (Getify Solutions) - sweetjs to write macros in JavaScript
Static Types are Overrated: The Dynamic Duo - Loose Types and Object Extension by Eric Elliott (Adobe) - A few JavaScript code analysis tools to investigate:
- tern.js - A code-analysis engine for JavaScript
- trace.gl - Visualize JavaScript code flow (for $15)
- Adobe Brackets Open source code editor (specifically Theseus) - There seem to be a lot of IDEs written in HTML+Javascript+CSS these days.
- Chrome Dev Tools - Dominators view, Comparsion view
- JSDoc for SublimeText - DocBlockr
- Suggested reading: Joys of Static Memory JavaScript by Colt McAnlis
Open Community Lounge
Informal get together discussing AngularJS - Angular Flock. Many were interested in AMD/requirejs compatibility. Sounds like it’s coming in Angular 2.0. They used what they learned doing angular.dart to write it in ECMAscript 6 and transpile it ECMAScript 5 with Traceur (I think that’s what I heard). They’re making use of classes and its module system.