FluentConf 2014 - Day One

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I’m at FluentConf again. It was hard to decide which workshops to attend. I also wanted to attend Automate All the Front-End Things! and WebRTC: Realtime Communication for Everyone and Build a Real Website with Node and Express.js, but they were all in conflict.

Web Components in Action

It’s a shame web components aren’t quite ready for prime time. I have worked on legacy web apps which were monolithic and I’ve worked on projects to modularize them - this certainly feels like the right approach, especially for my current project.

As for using Polymer, even they don’t recommend anyone use this in production. However, it was suggested, if it’s an internal tool with users who know how to turn on Chrome flags, why not? I can see giving it a shot.

As mentioned a few times during the presentation: it’s frustrating this technology isn’t further along. Give it time.

Creating Interactives with D3.js

A few links from this one:

Day One

All in all, day one was pretty good. On a side note, the time zone shift along with daylight savings time feels like a double whammy. By the time I adjust to the new time zone, I’ll be on the plane back home.