Hello there!
I web dev and stuff
I'm an experienced frontend/full-stack developer specializing in web sites and web apps. I can help streamline processes through automation, leverage headless CMS for agile development, and advocate for high-quality solutions with automated testing and QA practices.
I've been a frontend web developer since 1999 and an independent contractor since 2012. I started by learning HTML in '96, then JavaScript in '97 and CSS in '99. The next few years were spent learning on the job XSLT, Perl, shell scripting and later Java, Groovy and Ruby. Automation with Ant and Ivy made life a bit easier back then, but scripting with XML was... well. You know. These days, I prefer npm scripts and Node.js.
I'm into MCU, Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Star Wars since it reminds me of my comic book collecting and drawing days as a kid. I still can't believe Rocket Racccoon made it to the big screen before Wonder Woman -- I used to have the original Rocket Raccoon four-issue limited series back in the mid-80's. (Maybe in another universe, I'm draw comics!)
My Spanish is intermediate, but I am working on it using Duolingo. Though I'm still proud of myself for buying water and pack of gum at small convenience store in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile back in 2014 — small talk and all! Go me!
Where I can be found: